Soldier Of Love

FIF fourth of July

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Welcome to mine famous hot dog stand. I hopes mew has a wonderfur day at this years FIF fourth of July celebration.


Shamus:  Mewie buds, and buddettez, Line up furr da best hotz dawgz mew haz eber tasted! I cooked dem mineownself, dey is mine original famous Shamus hot dawgs. Dere bez  purrlenty of chipz and sodaz  furr mewz here too. Hey Selkie, no shoving at the back of da line!
Bash:  Yo Shamus, don't beez picking on mine beautifur Selkie Sue. Her da sweetiest fing dere iz. Her not shoving anymewz, mwe is necking! Mew haw!
Selkie:  Yeah, Shamus, and if mew isz making a cwack about mine weight, Iz gonna bitez mewew ears!
Jezebel:   Selkie gonna beez mine sisfur-in-law, be nice to her, mine luff. Dis such a nice day fur da 4th celebrwation and let me sayz how catsome mew is in dat hat!  It makes mewer blue eyez shine!
Shamus: Mine eyes is nuffing catpared to mewer beauty, dear one. Mew knowz  I worked hard to make diz a special day fur mew, mine sweet lady Jezebel, nuffing is too gude fur mew!
Ben:  Ahem, Ahemmm!  Dem sure lookz like mighty fine dogz! I might just habe 3 of dem! Mew gotz any nipz beer hidden amongst dem sodaz?
Murff:  Whatz a natter wiff mew Ben? Only 3 of dem?  Iz gonna habe 5, I getz real hungry!  Iz da Lion King, Mew know! Roarrrrrr!!
Ben:  Maybe so, but Iz  BTTB Bently! So dont mess wiff me, brofur! MOL!!
Bear Doggie:  I smell Bacon! Bacon! Bacon!!! Whoopz, hot  DOGZ!!.. Mew wantz me to eat DOGZ?
Dixie:  "Oh, Bear Doggie, Dear, dey is just weinerz, mew can eat weinerz! Hey Shamus, gibe Bear a bacon wraped weiner! Dem sure smellz gude! Iz will habe a bacon one too!
After everyone ate dere fill... dey made dere way to da ridez.!!!


Billy:  I will stand here and wait, Firefly, for mew to finish mewer merry-go-round ride.
Firefly:  I wontz be long, Billy.  Ize making sure Pickles dontz fall off her horsie.  Her just a liddle kidden, mew know.
Billy:  Mew will make a wonderfur mumfur, mine cutey-pie!
Firefly thinks to herself,  "Oh Billy, dere iz somfing about mine past I haven't told mew." ( A Mystery!)
Shadow Leigh:  Member when mwe were kiddens growing up, Firefly?  Mwe waz frisky, liddle things!
Magick:  Mew is still a frisky, liddle fing, Shadow Leigh!  Teeheehee!  I haze da bestest times wiff mew!
Pickles:  Wheeeeeee!!!  I luffs da merry-go-round!  Hey, why is mine horsie going around in circles when Shamus' horsie is getting to go off into da woods?
Royal:  Hey, mwe needz more ice!  Mine Nipz beer is getting warm!  Send somekitty to get ice!
Spock:  Shamus is on hiz way to get ice now!  See him going down dat path on him horsie?
Dragon:  Did somekitty say, "Hi Ho, Silver, Away?"
Spock:  No, him said, "Hi Ho, Sgt. Pepper, Away!"
Dragon:  Who waz dat masked man?
Tux:  Hey, Biggie, you sure waz smart to grab da biggest hotdog to eat!
Biggie:  Fanks, Tux, I iz glad mew reckin-eyes how smart I iz!  Even doh mine Meowmie says I iz not the sharpest nife in da drawer!
Tux:  Dese Kwispy Kwemes iz delicious! Yumm!
Royal:  Don't eat up all dose Kwispy Kwemes just cuz dey iz so close to mew, Tux
Biggie:  Yeah, leave some more fur me!
Tux:  How is mew gonna habe room after dat big hot dawg mew iz eating?
Shadow Leigh:  Pickles is so cute, is she sweet or dill?
Magick:  Ize sure Biggie finks shez a dilly!
Royal:  Maybe I should go and kiss Pickles, it looks like Ize running for office!  Anykitty got an office?
All da kitties laughed and had a good time and den headed off to see da fireworks!


Tux:  I iz glad Playful didn't get to come, I ate mine share and her's too.  Iz also glad I stayed awake fur da fireworks.
Billy:  Iz been nursing dis Nipz all day, dis is da mos beautifur fireworks Iz eber seen!
Firefly:  Oh, Billy!  Just like a Tom but.............oh, what a Tom!  Teehee!
Pickles:  What's all da lightz and noise about?  Iz a tired, liddle kidden.  Oh, da colors is purty!
Ben:  I hopez all dese fireworks didn't signal da Alienz!  Iz not got mine helmet on!  Maybe later I can sneak off to Paddy's Pub and do da boot scootin boogy on mine favorite table!
Jezebel:  I hopez somekitty noticed dat Shamus and I have on matching shirts.  I bought dem specially fur today.
Shamus:  Everykitty noticed our shirts, Sweet Jezebel.  Dey all knows mwe iz an item and I must say mew looks more spectacular dan dese fireworks!
Dragon:  Wowsers!  Dese fireworks sure iz bright!  Dat's why I gotz mine hat down over mine eyes.  Where's your hat, Shamus?
Shamus:  I finks it felled off when I was on mine horsie. Him iz fast az da wind mew know!
Magick:  All dese lights is magical and I iz under mewer spell, Shadow Leigh!
Shadow Leigh:  (Blush, Blush!)  Mew iz mine Magick-Man!
Spock:  Hey, Dragon, "Hurrah, Hurrah, is dat mewer hat?" and (wait for it!) "Oh say can mew see, through da brim of mew hat? Dese fantastic fireworks, dat haz beautfur streamers?
Murff:  I haz had a roaring good time!  But what is it wiff all dese hats?  And whose hat did I barf in earlier?
Bash:  Iz will be glad when we get wedwinked, Precious.  Now dat will be fireworks!
Selkie:  Oh Bash, (Blush, Blush) Mew light up mine life!
Biggie:  Anykitty got some Alka Seltzer?  Or another hat to barf in?  Earp!!!  Too many Kwispy Kwemes!
Bear Doggie:  Dis is da best 4th of July Iz ever had!  Dem bacon weinerz were good, but, you, mine Dixie, was da best part of the day!
Dixie:  Oh, Bear Doggie, I just want to kiss your fuzzy face!  Maybe Shamus will let us get a couple more bacon weinerz before we leave!
Royal:  Ugh!  Whatz in mine hat?  Hey, I'm too sexy for mine hat, too sexy for mine suit......................
Shamus:  Before Royal starts getting neeked, let me thank everyone for coming to mine FIF 4th of July celebration.  I hope mew all had a wonderful time.  I finks Pickles had da best time of all.


"Sweet Dreams, Sweet Pickles"

( dialogue by:  meowmies, Sheila and Nancy)


Please take dis souvenir as mine gift to mew.  Purrs, Shamus Blue


